We have all been there. You slap on a triangle, you squeeze, but nothing happens. Slowly, your opponent is starting to wiggle out, but you still keep squeezing. Why? Because why would you give up on this submission. Then it hits you, your partner starts to really get out of your triangle and begins to pass. At that point you used up all your leg muscles and are just too tired, so you eventually give up and let them side mount you.

If you have been in the situation above (and we know you have at some point), then this video is for your. Craig Jones showed Bernardo from BJJ Fanatics a technique, which he thinks is the coolest technique he ever learned from Craig Jones. He goes over a very specific detail that can change your entire triangle game. This is one of those “aha” moments when you break it down and see how this simple variation will make a triangle that much more efficient.

Normally, when you apply a triangle, there is always a small gap between your legs and your partner’s shoulder and neck. This gives your partner enough space to press their elbow out and allows them room to breathe a bit and start working on their escape. And while they are already feeling free with no threat of a triangle, you are still holding for dear life squeezing your legs and hoping the submission will work. All this while using all your energy.

Also, the common thing to finish, is to grab the back of your partner’s head and left your hips and keep pulling. This works if you have the triangle really nicely tight. But what if you don’t?

In Craig Jones’ set up a few things happen that are a bit different. He actually grabs his own shin with his hand to secure the triangle. By doing that, he puts one more frame in your partners should area. This also helps prevent your partner from pulling out and posturing up.

Then he angles his body moves toward an angle and he bumps his partner’s elbow so that the gap that used to be there doesn’t exist. This is such a small detail, but it works. Notice in the video where his knees are pointing. This is crucial when executing this triangle as it is different from the traditional way.

Check it out below.