Seat belt grip from the back
Best grip from the back is using the seat belt grip. This is something Marcelo Garcia always uses. Blackbelt Emily Kwok goes in detail explaining the benefits of the seat belt grip to keep the back.
Arm Drag Takedown
This arm drag takedown looks very simple, but is very effective. Most BJJ practitioners are used to doing arm drags while in butterfly guard, but what if you are standing up? Do you have any good takedowns? In this takedown,...
Turtle Reversal – Hotdog Roll
When in the turtle position on the bottom, you can grab opponent's arm, straighten both legs and start the reversal.
Armbar and Forearm Crush from the Top
When your opponent is in turtle position and you can't get the back, you can get this armbar and forearm crush.
Top Control Pt.2 – Getting the Choke from Turtle Position
Top control strategy part 2. Brent teaches the best way to get the choke in no-gi when your opponent is in the turtle position.
Banana Split
Banana Split Submission. When you have your opponent's back, you can transition to the truck and crank their legs. Taught by Robert Drysdale.
D’arce Choke from the Sprawl
Darce variation. When opponent sprawls you can get the d'arce choke from there without having to put your opponent on their side. Sean Bollinger teaching.
The Chevy – Getting the Twister or the Truck
The Chevy move. If your opponent is defending the rear naked choke, you can set up a twister or end up in the truck in order to attack the legs.
Twister Side Control to the Truck When Opponents Gets To Knees
Quick way to go from twister side control to the truck As you control your opponent in twister side control, sometimes they may just blast to their knees. When this happens, you have the option to hook their legs and end up...